As the crisp air and vibrant leaves of autumn begin to settle in, it’s important to ensure that your pet rabbits are safe, comfortable, and happy during this seasonal change. Rabbits require extra care and attention during the cooler months. Keep reading to discover our top 5 tips for caring for your rabbit and helping them transition into autumn smoothly…

1. Keep Cozy

It’s important your rabbits feel cozy and warm during the cooler seasons, so if you have a garage or shed, you can move your rabbits inside for the winter. If you keep them outside, make sure their hutch is well-ventilated and sheltered. You can also add straw-filled boxes or snuggle safes for extra comfort. And rabbits are always happier in pairs, as they can keep each other company and snuggle up together, so consider getting your rabbit a friend!

2. Heaps of Hay

As herbivores, rabbits need a diet that is high in fibre to wear down their continuously growing teeth and keep them hoppy and healthy! As the seasons change and the colder weather creeps in, fresh grass may be less available for your pets, it’s crucial to ensure they’re getting enough hay. Hay is essential for their digestive health and also helps to keep them warm as they metabolize it. At White Rabbit Hay, we supply high-quality Timothy and Meadow Hay which is loved by both pets and their owners! Shop our award-winning range of White Rabbit Hay here.

3. Monitor Moulting

Many rabbits go through a significant moult during autumn, shedding their summer coats to make way for thicker winter fur. Regular grooming is essential during this time to prevent fur ingestion, which can lead to hairballs and digestive issues. Brush your rabbit at least once a week, or more often if you notice heavy shedding.

4. Stay Safe Outdoors

Dried leaves from non-toxic trees like apple, birch, maple, and willow are all safe, but be aware of fallen leaves which may be toxic for your rabbits. Also, check the garden for plants or mushrooms that may have sprouted too!

5. Stay Hydrated

Rabbits still need plenty of water in cooler weather. If your rabbits live outside, check that their water bottles or bowls aren’t freezing overnight.

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